
my name is Matilda and I am a photographer and videographer.

I was born in China, raised in Sweden and I am currently living in Austria.

Since I come from a multicultural background, I have always been on the search for new perspectives, which could help me to adapt to my new environment every time me and my family moved to a new town, city or even country. 

Storytelling, video making and photography has been my way to show people how I percieve the world, and it has given me the possibility to tell my stories when I could not express myself verbally, but visually. 

For some time now, I have been making mainly portraits.

Some of my focal points that I want to illustrate are my definition of home, the feeling of comfort and the intimacy of human connection.

With that being said, would you like to see the world through my lens? 

Or better said, my eyes?